Creating a Network from a GMT file¶
It is possible to create a network from just a single GMT (gene set database) file.
For more information on the format of GMT files and on how to download Baderlab GMT files see Download Gene Set Files.
When importing a GMT file on its own there are no enrichment scores to use to filter the network, so all the gene sets in the file will be included in the network. If the GMT file is large this can result in a very large and highly connected network.
Open the Create EnrichmentMap Dialog by going to the Cytoscape main menu and selecting Apps > EnrichmentMap.
Click the button and select Add data set manually.
This will create a new data set named Data Set 1.
In the Analysis Type combo box select Generic.
Click the Browse button next to the GMT field and select the file to use.
It is recommended that under the Number of edges section to set the slider to sparse. Otherwise it is likely to get a network that is too highly connected.
Click the Build button to create the network.